NZ Post – Wellington Super Depot (WSD)

Project Details
NCL was contracted by Daifuku Oceania, a specialist in the development, design, and manufacture, installation and servicing of a broad range of innovative, state of the art material handling systems. These systems are suitable for small manual sortation warehouses right through to large distribution hubs incorporating sophisticated sortation systems for parcels, satchels and freight.
As part of the Daifuku Oceania team, we were awarded a large-scale project with New Zealand Post in design, supply & installation of three parcel handling systems located in Auckland (APC), Wellington (WSD) & Christchurch (CPC). Each parcel/freight handling system consist of structural platforms, conveyor & sorter equipment, structure for supporting sorts that extends beyond platforms, sortation chutes and other various equipment.
NCL was contracted to cover the design of the steel structure for the Wellington Super Depot (WSD).
Scope of works included:
- Structural design and documentation (including Structural calculations and CAD drawings) for permanent works as defined below:
- Sorter support structures including column support and associated lateral bracing system.
- Mezzanine support structure including support beams, columns & associated lateral bracing system.
- Mezzanine Floor design (arrangement comprise steel / timber joist and ply flooring).
- Platforms, Stairways & Vertical Ladder Access.
- Handrails (based on a pre-fabricated / modular system).
- Coordination as required with Daifuku to ensure minimum tolerances and clearances.
- Provision of structural steel shop drawings and associated documentation suitable for fabrication for the items listed above.
- Provision of PS1 design producer statements.
- Site Monitoring of the construction works to a CM3 level.
- Issue of PS4 construction review producer statement of the structural steelwork upon completion. Review the manufacturer’s certificates which demonstrate compliance with the relevant AS/NZ standards as detailed in the structural specification.
- Structural documents being documented in AutoCAD (.dwg) and Revit (.rvt) format.
- Coordination as required with the master drawing model.
- Attendance of consultant coordination meetings.
- Response to queries and coordination with Daifuku as required during the detailed design stage.
- Responding to peer review related queries and updating of the structural consent documents as required.